Wabi Sabi expresses its style protected by the intrinsic beauty of simplicity, humility and imperfect nature.
Aromatic composition: Incense, Rosewood, Sandalwood, Cypress, Hiba, Palmarosa, Frangipani
€24,45 – €268,30
Wabi Sabi expresses its style protected by the intrinsic beauty of simplicity, humility and imperfect nature.
Aromatic composition: Incense, Rosewood, Sandalwood, Cypress, Hiba, Palmarosa, Frangipani
Wabi Sabi expresses its style protected by the intrinsic beauty of simplicity, humility and imperfect nature.
L’oli essencial de Hiba (roure japonès), amb la seva olor a escorça trencada per el pas del temps, ens mostra la seva saviesa. L´acompanya la fusta d´Ho (arbre xinès), suaus notes llenyoses que ens confereixen un espai únic de pau.
La bellesa modesta i delicada de la flor del Frangipani, irromp al mig de l’espai donant una nota discreta floral que ens recorda de nou la bellesa de la naturalitat imperfecte.
The essences of Shizen'na give off all their effectiveness in the diffusers of the own brand, without heat, without water and adapted to its density. Cannot be used in heat diffusers.
AVAILABLE MEASURES | 10 ml (per humidificador), 100 ml (per difusor Bruma o en Spray (=)), 100 ml (per difusor Nebuchic o Nebuscent), 500 ml (per difusor Nebuchic o Nebuscent) |