

Buscar el benestar és l’objectiu de la vida, ja sigui a través de la llibertat, la salut o, simplement, el confort. Utility sempre serveix per solucionar temes puntuals que són molestos, aportant essència natural a petits problemes puntuals, des d’uns mosquits a l’estiu a unes males olors d’armari o de bany…


    Exclusively natural and non-invasive essences to be free of mosquitoes. It also contains potent antiviral active ingredients.

    Composition: Citronella, Patchouli, Lavender

  • DORM

    Special synergy of essential oils to relax, help sleep and contribute to rest.

    Composition: Marjoram, Tangerine, Chamomile, Lavender


    Alcoholic disinfectant solution with eucalyptus oil and extra virgin olive oil, for the constant disinfection of everyday devices, such as the mask, mobile phone, keys ...

    Composition: Vegetable Alcohol, Eucalyptol, Extra Virgin Olive Oil
